Wednesday 22 October 2014

Questionnaire analysis

Q1:) In my 9 responses 90% were between the ages of 15-18. So as this was the majority vote from my survey I will aim my CD cover at this age range. I will have to incorporate certain things into my CD cover that I think that this particular age range will like and want to seen a CD cover. 

Q2:) 60% of the audience that filled out my survey were Female, so I will be aiming my CD cover more towards girls as they were the majority of my audience. I will try to make sure that the cover does appeal slightly to men also so it is not all completely one sided, however I think that it may appeal slightly more to girls as I will be aiming it more towards them due to the fact that they were the majority vote.

Q3:) From my survey I have come to the conclusion that the type of music that my audience prefer are HipHop and Pop. As Pop got 40% and HipHop got 40% also, the final 10% was Indie rock. I will have to make sure that the song that I choose has a genre that people are interested in so that the audience are more likely to watch it as it id the genre of music that they are interested in and want to listen to, which will then therefore make them more likely to want to buy my CD.

Q4:) From this  question in my survey I can tell that only 20% of my audience only watch the music video depending on who the artist is. This means that I have to make sure that the people on my CD cover could maybe portray the storyline in the CD cover and that my CD cover is interesting so that people want to buy the CD cover and will want to listen to the song. I will also have to make sure that my CD cover is unique and individual to others as this is what is going to make more people likely to buy it if it is not like others. I will have to make sure that my CD makes sure that it makes the artist look good swell, as this was also voted for by 20%, and this could have a big impact on my CD.

Q5:) From this question in my survey I can tell that the artists name is definitley thought of as the item on the CD cover that appeals to the target audience is 'The artist's name' so when I make my Cd cover I will have to make sure that the artist's name is effective and stands out as this is what the audience want to see most on a CD cover. However, the audience thinks that the image is quite a large part that an audience thinks attracts the attention to a CD cover.

Q6:) When making my Cd cover I will have to make it between the price range of £8-£10 as other wise nobody would in theory buy my CD cover and also because this was the 100% vote. This is also a good price because it shows that people would be willing to not pay more than the cheapest option. 

Q7:) From this question I have come to the conclusion that on the front of my CD cover I should not use a picture of the artist on the front of my CD cover because the majority votes were either to have no artists picture on the CD cover or maybe have the name of the artist but only depending on the artist themselves. Due to the fact that if I put a picture of a certain artist it may not attract as many buyers because some voted that they did not like to have a picture of the artist on a CD cover or they may not like this specific artist, so I will not use a picture of the one artist so more people are more lily to buy t because they may not buy it if they do not like the particular image of the artist, so I will not use a picture of the artist as this will not make anybody not want to buy the CD cover because of the image of the artist. Also if I do not use a picture of the artist it will make the CD cover become more abstract the CD cover will have a different image to what the album is about and be a lot more unique.

Q8:) It appears that CD art does not have an effect on if the audience would still buy the magazine or not. So the majority of my target audience would still want to buy the CD most likely if my CD had art on or not.

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