Wednesday 5 November 2014

CD Cover textual analysis

Main image: In the case  of this CD front cover there is a single image of the singer Shakira. The image is used in a classic way having her posing with flowers coming from her mouth upwards like musical notes. The face is big enough to stand out and to make it obvious to the audience about who's album cover this is. The singer is not making eye contact which then makes this CD cover unique and therefore stand out in a shop against other CD's as normally if the singer is on the front they use direct eye contact to help draw attention. The opposing colours make the CD cover look effect because the main image is black and white and then the flowers are very bright so they contrast one another and give the CD cover a more girly approach, with the flowers, Shakira's hair long and curly and the word 'Shakira' in bright pink.

On this CD cover Adele's image is prominent so this then attracts the audiences attention as they will know that it is her album and therefore attract her fans. In this case there is not just one single image, her man image is the most prominent and then there are 3 smaller images going vertically on the side. So these images are a completely different angle to the main image. She is pulling a natural face in the main image and then the 3 smaller images are of her posing. This could indicate the fact that she is still a normal girl ( the main image) even though she is now famous (the 3 images on the left) as she became famous so quickly. The CD album name is a contrasting colour to the background on which it has been placed so that it is clear to the audience that this is the name of the CD and the names of the songs are slightly smaller so that they do not draw attention from the main image of Adele or the name of the CD.

On this CD cover there is only one main image. The image is used in a very model like way with the girl posing sitting down with her classy outfit, her nails done, her hair all up and her heavy make up. The use of the cross is very effective as it says perfectionist. This implies that the models face is not as perfect as the 'perfectionist' wants so they have crossed it out. It is also very effective because it is red which implies danger. The fact that the CD cover is also outlined in red could imply that she is surrounded by danger.

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