Friday 10 October 2014


Oscar Pistorius verdict: 'Cliffhanger' ending for trail.


This representation negative because he is middle class and has a middle class background. This is giving himself a bad reputation. Also as he is quite famous because he is an athlete, this gives a bad representation because he competes and represents the country then is suddenly in the media for bad reasons, and on trial for murdering his wife. I have interpreted this because he is working class and not royalty, also from looking at his house we can see that he is middle class because he has a very big house which then therefore implies this.

Religion/ race/ region:

This news story gives a positive representation as this particular race of people do not very often get opportunities or prizes like this as it is very rare due to the fact that they are very poor, so they often do not get the education that they need to therefore win a nobel prize. However, I think that the title also gives a negative representation because it makes the situation seem very surprising. This then shows that people are not thought as in an equal manor because it is made to seem surprising that someone of this certain religion and from this certain region has won a nobel peace prize.


Glue, a new TV series is aimed at our age group. It is aimed at our age range because it is to do with teenagers and young adults so things in it will happen that teenagers do and can relate to. For example, working, girlfriends and boyfriends, arguments with friends and within relationships. In this  Glue trailer it seems like the teenagers are causing trouble and that is what teenagers are stereotyped to do. So even though there are only a minority of teenagers that do cause trouble, in the video a lot of them are so if older people were to watch this this is what they believe teenagers are like. So it is aimed at our age group as we can relate to some of the issues that will occur in Glue as it is about teenagers and their lives, also the decisions and problems that they have to deal with and face, as we are a the same point in our lives as we are. So sometimes, a more mature audience may just think that the teenagers in this are just doing things to cause trouble however, as teenagers ourselves we may be able to empathise with them and understand why they are doing what they are doing.

Sexuality/ Gender: 

This shows gives a negative interpretation of women as in this programme out of the 5 main characters 4 of them are extremely clever men who are scientists/ physicist, and the one other character is a very intelligent woman who lives across the hall from them. The geekiness and intellect of the four guys is contrasted for comic effect with Penny's social skills and common sense. I have identified that the representation of women in this programme is negative because the woman (Penny) is the only character within the particular programme that is not intelligent and lacks a lot of common sense and intelligence. Penny also takes a lot of pride in how she looks, so this then interprets to the audience that women take a lot more pride in their appearance and do not take as much pride in their jobs and occupations as men do as they focus a lot more on their appearance and think that it is more important. However, in most cases we know that this is not the case but this programme is interpreting this idea. Penny is also used within the programme in a sexual manor. This is portrayed within this video clip.

This then gives the interpretation that all women act in this manor.

  1. Forrest Gump is an American film that was made in 1994. Forrest Gump is a simple man with a low I.Q. but good intentions. He is running through childhood with his best and only friend Jenny. His 'mama' teaches him the ways of life and leaves him to choose his destiny. This film gives a very real representation of what life is like for a mentally handicapped person and how hard life must be for them. He is by himself a lot throughout the film, about 2/3 of the film. We see what it is like for mentally handicapped people as he does not really have many friends as he is slightly different and it shows us how shallow people are as to judge somebody on something that they cannot help. He is not accepted by the other children because he is unique. When in reality he is a lovely man with a heart of Gold that would do anything for anyone. He is very close to his mother and turns to her for everything, so when she dies he feels very alone as he does not have many people that he is very close with. This film i very effective as it a very real story, it shows us what some people have to live with and put up with on a day to day basis and the way that society treats certain people just because of something that they cannot help. Although he is mentally and physically handicapped this film shows us how strong he is as  a person to overcome everything that he has and still be happy all of the time and this i show people should act all of the time no matter what the circumstance as people who are in worse situations than you are very grateful for everything that they have and appreciate their lives so everybody else should as well and realise how lucky they are.

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