Wednesday 24 September 2014

X factor- Construction and Mediation task

This piece from the X factor is very emotional and the reason that they have put it onto the X factor is because when you hear the back story that she has and hear that her mother died when she was 7 you feel very sympathetic towards her because she talks about the bond that she now has with her Dad from loosing her mum. It is also very emotional because she says that she wants to do well for her Dad because he brought her up and they are very, very close. The reason that the X Factor will have put this specific piece onto the show is because, the position that she is in is devastating and it makes the audience want to vote for her because they feel very sympathetic towards her and a lot of people know how she eels and ave ben in her position so they then are able to empathise with her and want her to do well because of the position that she is in.

The X factor may have also put this on because she is a very young girl who has been through  a lot and has amazing talent. They show a clip of her and her Dad also, which then shows us as the audience how close they are and the bond that they have. So when she says that she wants to do well for her Dad it makes the audience start to root for her because we want to see her do well to make her Dad happy as they have not had a very easy life without his wife and her Mother, so we as the audience want something good to happen for them.

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